Monday, February 3, 2014

Photoshop fun

I love to draw, so I thought I'd practice some figure drawing from reference.

The first one I drew was Renekton, a humanoid lizard from League of Legends.
I used a small brush with low opacity for my sketch which served as guidelines when later drew more precisely on another layer. The main goal for me was to keep the proportions same as much as I could and I believe I did a good job, I was proud enough to color it when I was finished.

My second attempt was on a random female model.
I started out the same but it was way harder than the lizard-man. I think it was due to the lack of muscles and therefore harder to get the proportions right. After I was finished with the sketch I realized I didn't want to continue with it and just refined some parts that where completely off.

For the next time I will try to make better sketches and eventually draw without reference, but that's far in the future.

Thanks for reading and stay awesome.

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